① I have a sister who lives in LA.
② I have a sister, who lives in LA.
② = I have a sister. She lives in LA.と同意です。
では,先行詞が定冠詞 the の場合を考えます。(以下,「魔法の英文法」で書ききれなかった内容)
③ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street that shows 3-D movies.
④ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies.
すなわち,I went to the movie theater on 3rd Streetですから,映画館は3番街に1つしかないことを表しています。
×I went to a movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies.
もう少し a/the を見てみます。
⑤I bought a book (that) she wrote. 「私は彼女が書いた本を買った」
・・・a bookですから,彼女はこれまでも何冊か書き,その中の1冊を買ったことを示唆しています。
⑥I went to the café where Kate works. 「私はケイトが働くカフェに行きました」
・・・もし,ケイトが複数のカフェで働いていたら,the caféとはなりません。
a/the について,関係詞を使わない文でも考え方は同様です。
英検3級 2010-1 リスニングNo.26 より。
Becky wants to be an artist in the future. Next month, the art museum in her town will have a big art contest. . . .
2文目のthe art museum in her townに着目します。
the なのですから,彼女の町には美術館は1つしかないことを示唆しています。
もし,町に2つ以上あるならば,one of the art museums in her townとか,Next month, a big art contest will be held at an art museum in her townなどの可能性があります。
Note: The difference between the two (制限用法と非制限用法) isn’t only whether there is a comma or not. . . .
The difference is, as I mentioned before, whether or not the information in the relative clause is "necessary" or "very important" to the meaning of the statement.
Explaining the difference between "restrictive" and "non-restrictive" is difficult because it is not always clear whether the information is "necessary" or "important". Whoever writes the sentence has to decide that.
A pretty good explanation of the difference is at:
It explains how to use commas. (Note: many native speakers have trouble using these commas correctly!)
So actually, the difference is not only whether there is a comma or not.
Normally, the simple rules are:
1. If the clause is restrictive, choose "that" over "which" (about a 99% rule), and don't set the clause off with commas.
2. If the clause is nonrestrictive, choose "which" over "that" and do set the clause off with commas.**
** The relative pronoun "who" can govern both restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses.
Here are some good (○)and awkward (×)examples:
Using one comma (not common)
○ I went to a movie theater that shows 3-D movies. (restrictive)
× I went to a movie theater, that shows 3-D movies.
○ I went to a movie theater which shows 3-D movies. (restrictive, maybe)
× I went to a movie theater, which shows 3-D movies.
○ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies. (unrestrictive)
(meaning = I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street . . . and by the way, it shows 3-D movies.)
○ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street that shows 3-D movies. (restrictive)
(meaning = I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street, the particular one (out of several movie theaters on 3rd Street) that shows 3-D movies.)
Using two commas (more common):
○ The movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies, is my favorite. (unrestrictive)
○ The movie theater on 3rd Street which shows 3-D movies is my favorite. (unrestrictive, maybe)
○ The movie theater on 3rd Street that shows 3-D movies is my favorite. (restrictive)
× The movie theater on 3rd Street, that shows 3-D movies, is my favorite.
These should have two commas:
× The movie theater on 3rd Street which shows 3-D movies, is my favorite.
× The movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies is my favorite.
③ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street that shows 3-D movies.
④ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies.
③ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street which shows 3-D movies.
④ I went to the movie theater on 3rd Street, which shows 3-D movies.