This is from the same book.
The house was by the sea so we could go swimming whenever we wanted to.
>>> I often wonder a comma is not necessary before "so" if the meaning after "so" is the result of the part before "so".
I know "We want to buy a house by the sea so we can go swimming whenever we want to" is OK because this is the sentence that "that" is omitted after "so", which means the meaning after "so" is the purpose of the part before "so".
But if a comma is not necessary before "so", the sentence like "We bought a house by the sea so we could go swimming whenever we wanted to" possibly has two meanings: "go swimming" is the result or the purpose of "buying the house".
You're exactly right.
"The house was by the sea so we could go swimming whenever we wanted to." = you specifically had it built by the sea so that you could go swimming whenever you wanted to.
"The house was by the sea, so we could go swimming whenever we wanted to." = because the house was by the sea you are able to go swimming whenever you wanted to.
The second sentence could therefore also be written, "The house was by the sea and we could go swimming whenever we wanted to." (a comma after 'sea' is optional).
The careless and the semi-literate often have trouble with punctuation, leaving the reader to intuit his intentions.