まず,多くの「教科書」,教材,会話集にあるgo to~をここで今一度確認したい。
I go to school at eight. 「8時に学校に行く」は非常に曖昧である。
I get to school at eight.は「8時に学校に到着する」である。
自宅を出る時刻をいうときは,I leave home at eight.が適切である。
A: How do you usually go get to school?
B: I usually walk.
'Go' and ‘get’ can be confusing.
Consider this:
a. I go home at 6.00 = I leave work at 6.00, but maybe I arrive home an hour later.
b. I get home at 6.00 = I arrive home at 6.00, but maybe I leave work an hour earlier.
The question being asked above is not “By what means do you leave the house?” (the answer could be “I walk” because you have to get to the bus stop), but “By what means do you arrive at school?” (“I catch a bus” from the bus stop I walked to).
Therefore, the question is “How do you get to school?”