項目till, until, by, before内
-until VS beforeの解説部分より。
1. I waited for half an hour before [*until] she came.(彼女が来るまで30分待ちました)
2. Let’s wait for Kent until [*before] he comes.(ケントが来るまで待ちましょう)
In (2) we waited for an event that that we knew would happen - we waited until it happened.
In (1) we didn't know when it would happen, so we didn’t wait until it happened - we ended up waiting for half an hour before the event happened.
So, when we know that or when something will happen we use ‘until’ - so if we knew in advance that we’d be waiting for 30 minutes before she came, we could indeed say, "I waited half an hour until she came."
We had to wait an hour in the train before [*until] the rail was fixed. <--- We usually don’t know how long it takes.
Yes. But if an employee came up to you and said, “It’ll take 30 minutes to fix the rail” and 30 minutes later it was fixed, then you waited 30 minutes until it was fixed.
We had to wait an hour until [*before] the next train came. <--- We had the time schedule when we missed our train.