Check the script!
Woman: Nice place, isn’t it? How about we sit here?
Man: Sure.
Man: Pass me your bag and I’ll put it here.
Woman: Thanks. Such a wonderful view. I’m glad it cleared up today.
Man: Yes. ①I heard that we can have a picnic here if we reserve lunch boxes.
Woman: Oh, I’d like that. But maybe when it’s warmer.
Man: Yeah. So. Would you like to get something to eat?
Woman: Well, ... I’m not very hungry. Just tea for me. What about you?
Man: I’m not either, but I’ll grab a bite here before we start driving again.
Woman: OK. So. About tomorrow, ④Rachael invited us to an antique show. What do you think?
Man: ⑤What? Antique show? I don’t need any old junk.
Woman: Antiques aren’t junk. It’s not a second-hand shop. Antiques are more valuable. Rachael said that ③there’ll be lots of tableware and furniture at the show.
Man: ⑤I still don’t understand the difference.
Woman: Antiques are at least a hundred years old. But you know, ⑥there are things that are a hundred years old without much value ...
Waiter: May I take your order, sir?
Woman: Yes, ②could I have an earl grey, please?
Waiter: Which would you like, ma’am?
Woman: Which? Where does it ...... oh, here ... well ..., you do have a good selection. Let me see ... ②I’ll try this one, earl grey cream.
Waiter: Certainly. And what would you like, sir?
Man: ②I’ll have a latte and a sco …
(drops a plate, making a loud breaking sound)
Waiter: Sorry. Oh, so ... uh ... ②earl grey cream, latte ... and ...
Man: ②Two scones.
Waiter: ②Yes, two scones. Anything else, sir?
Man: And two waters.
Waiter: Certainly. I’ll be right with you.
Man: And ... you were saying?
Woman: Well, anyway, ⑥unless you know what is valuable, you can end up paying through the nose for something that’s worthless. Anyway, I just want to go and see.
Man: ⑤I still don’t get it, but I don’t have anything better to do tomorrow, so let’s go. But! We’re not going to buy anything. Understood?
Woman: OK. I’ll just look. I’ll call Rachel before we leave here to tell her ...
Check the transcription!
女性:ありがとう。 素晴らしい眺めね。今日,晴れてよかったわね。
男性:そうだね。 さあ,何か食べる?
女性:オーケー。 それで明日なんだけど。レイチェルがアンティークショーに誘ってくれてるの。どうする?
男性:え? アンティークショー? 古いもののがらくたなんていいよ。
女性:どれ? どこに載って…,ああ,これね。ええと,結構たくさん種類があるのね。 そうね,このアールグレークリームっていうのにしてみようかしら。
男性:いまいちまだよくわからないけど,どうせ明日はすることもないし行ってみるか。でも! 何も買わないよ。わかった?
Check the answer!!
解説:if we reserve lunch boxesと言っていますね。
解答:男性-ラテとスコーン2つ 女性:アールグレイ(クリーム)
解説:ウェイターの登場から注文のシーンが始まります。途中でアクシデントがありましたが,最終的な注文内容が把握できましたか? アクシデントの前,男性はa latte and a sco ... (スコーンは1つ)と言いかけましたが,後になって,Two scones.と言っているので2つに気が変わったようですね。また,ウェイターが注文を繰り返す場面でも再確認できます。なお,男性は最後にAnd two waters.と言っていますが,お水は注文とは別です。
1 解答:×
解説:Rachael invited us ... と言っていますね。また,話全体の流れとして,女性がアンティークショーに行くのに男性を誘っている(説得している)とわかったでしょうか。
2 解答:○
解説: 男性は最後まで「アンティークショー」が何かよくわかっていなかったようですね。男性のアンティークショーに対する興味は,口調からもわかります。
3 解答:○
解説:女性のアンティークの説明部分を何度もよく聞きましょう。注文の前に,「価値のあるものと単に古いだけのものがある」と説明しかけて途中になってしまいましたね。そして注文の後,話が戻りましたが,結論だけ言って終わってしまいました。pay through the noseは「お金をぼられる」という意味ですが,この意味が理解できなくても,end up ~ing「結局~に終わる」で否定的な感じがすればニュアンスはキャッチできるでしょう。
More about the script!
ウェイターが登場して,女性は急に声のトーンがよそ行きに変わりましたね。could I have an earl grey, please? は非常に丁寧な依頼の表現です。一方,男性はTwo scones. や,And two waters. など,やや傲慢な感じがしました。ウェイターは,Certainlyやwould you likeなど,最初はとても丁寧な応対でしたが,アクシデントの後ややうろたえた様子でした。TPOに合わせて丁寧な表現を操れるようになるといいですね。
Check the vocabulary!!
Scene: A married couple is about to sit at an outdoor table at a stylish country restaurant with a great view.
Background sound: typical sounds in a restaurant (not so loud), sounds of birds
(Surrounding sounds (people talking around them) fade in)
Woman: Nice place, isn’t it? How about we sit here?
Man: Sure.
(Interval: Couple is getting seated --- sounds of drawing the chairs)
Man: Pass me your bag and I’ll put it here.
Woman: Thanks. (hands her bag over) Such a wonderful view. I’m glad it cleared up today.
Man: Yes. I heard that we can have a picnic here if we reserve lunch boxes.
Woman: Oh, I’d like that. But maybe when it’s warmer.
Man: Yeah. So. Would you like to get something to eat?
Woman: Well, ... I’m not very hungry. Just tea for me. What about you?
Man: I’m not either, but I’ll grab a bite here before we start driving again.
Woman: OK. So. About tomorrow, Rachael invited us to an antique show. What do you think?
Man: What? Antique show? I don’t need any old junk.
Woman: Antiques aren’t junk. It’s not a second-hand shop. Antiques are more valuable. Rachael said that there’ll be lots of tableware and furniture at the show.
Man: I still don’t understand the difference.
Woman: Antiques are at least a hundred years old. But you know, there are things that are a hundred years old without much value …
Waiter: (a polite character) May I take your order, sir?
Woman: (change to a genteel tone of voice) Yes, could I have an earl grey, please?
Waiter: Which would you like, ma’am?
Woman: Which? Where does it … (flips through the menu) … oh, here … well ..., you do have a good selection. (thinking) Let me see ... I’ll try this one, earl grey cream.
Waiter: Certainly. And what would you like, sir?
Man: (change to an arrogant tone of voice) I’ll have a latte and a sco … (waitress attending a nearby table drops a plate, making a loud breaking sound)
(Interval: Only the sound of birds are heard)
Waiter: (slightly flustered) Sorry. Oh, so … uh … earl grey cream, latte … and …
Man: Two scones.
Waiter: Yes, two scones. Anything else, sir?
Man: And two waters.
Waiter: Certainly. I’ll be right with you.
(Interval: Waiter leaves. Couple recollecting themselves from the shock.)
Man: And ... you were saying?
Woman: (returns to her usual friendly tone of voice) Well, anyway, unless you know what is valuable, you can end up paying through the nose for something that’s worthless. Anyway, I just want to go and see.
Man: (returns to his usual friendly tone of voice) I still don’t get it, but I don’t have anything better to do tomorrow, so let’s go. But! We’re not going to buy anything. Understood?
Woman: OK. I’ll just look. I’ll call Rachel (recording fades out) before we leave here to tell her ...