× This country has beautiful nature. →「~には自然がある」というのにhaveは使わない。
× I enjoyed the nature in the country. →「自然を楽しむ」というのにenjoy natureとならない。
1. I experienced the natural beauty.
I experienced the beauty of nature.
Both of these are OK, but the meanings are a little different.
After all, you can enjoy the natural beauty of a woman who isn’t wearing make-up.
We often here such phrases as, “Experience the natural beauty of Hawaii”(←命令文), which makes perfect sense when it is an injunction in an advertisement.
2. The natural beauty in the country was wonderful.
Here you are more likely to say, “The beautiful nature in the country (or better ‘countryside’) was wonderful.”
3. I enjoyed the natural beauty.
It’s OK, but refer to (1).
4. I enjoyed the scenery.
Natural sentence.
5. I enjoyed seeing the scenery.
6. The scenery in the country was beautiful.
Yep again.